Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sex sells?

Alright, I guess we can all agree that showing skin helps to increase sales if it comes to records, clothes or any other products. I mean how many times did we already get to see Britney Spears half naked in her clips and winning awards for it?

The “sex sells” tactics is also used by many advertisers. Some are very successful and stay in our memory as we are overwhelmed by the sexiness and some just don’t. I think most of the ladies know which ad I refer to- David Beckham’s ad campaign for Armani Underwear.

But like I said before it can go both ways. In this case I am referring to The Body Heat perfume ad. I mean we agree that sex can definitely sell, but I think there must be an idea behind it, somehow a story line. This commercial is stereotypical and to be honest just looks cheap. One reason for that might be the music used in the ad: “I wanna take you home… body… body heat…” ummmm, sure…I rather laugh at it than think that it is so sexy and I really need to get the perfume.

And along with that comes another issue. The perfume is shown for like 2 seconds at the end. So the entire time I am wondering what the commercial is for, condoms? STD awareness? After finding out it was for a perfume I didn’t even know who it was for- boys or girls? I mean it could be either way- I either get so sexy with the smell that I am able to make out with the hottest boy in the club, or the smell makes me so sexy that I can have two girls at once.

So sex sells, definitely. But this commercial to me just appeals to people that like watching a guy getting groped by two girls and no increase in sales can be achieved.

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